Chinese Herbal Medicine

As a member of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, I ensure high standards in quality of the herbs and protection from using animal, or endangered species in plant or mineral form.
Herbs can be prescribed separately or in conjunction with acupuncture. They have the advantage of daily administration and can be taken in 3 different ways. The traditional way is in dry form and boiled up as an infusion. For those with little time to spare, sachet's with the prescription made into powder might be an easier alternative, simply make like a cup of tea. For those who don't want to taste the herbs the powders can be put into capsules.
Cost of 3 week supply £50.
Consultation can be included with any acupuncture session.
Consultation only £25
Allow 30 minutes
Herbs can be prescribed separately or in conjunction with acupuncture. They have the advantage of daily administration and can be taken in 3 different ways. The traditional way is in dry form and boiled up as an infusion. For those with little time to spare, sachet's with the prescription made into powder might be an easier alternative, simply make like a cup of tea. For those who don't want to taste the herbs the powders can be put into capsules.
Cost of 3 week supply £50.
Consultation can be included with any acupuncture session.
Consultation only £25
Allow 30 minutes